Terrestre Celestial
Approximately in the year 1848 (the “treaty” of Guadalupe Hidalgo was signed) a cocoon-shaped ship rips through the atmosphere and lands on the first stages of a depleting and uninhabitable land (turtle island mid-colonization). The exact coordinates of the ship’s landing is unknown. Oral histories of witnesses recall seeing a flashing red light rip through the heavens and crash on the Terran landscape. The true nature and physique of the creatures that came out of the ship are UNKNOWN. Oral histories claim that these beings have no face, others state that they only saw glowing light when the entities exited these ships.
These creatures have been hidden for decades but have recently become more active. Their new covers seem to be constructed of the same material as the structures they arrived in. However, each time they are witnessed, they seem to evolve into a new mask and physical presence. Their true nature is unknown, but there seems to be connections to the eldest Mesopotamian language, as well as some sort of connection to the Americas, as their ships seem to be constructed of corn husks. How CORN is a cosmic existent resource is UNKNOWN.
This current exploration blurs the lines between fictional supernatural realms and realities due to migration and marginalization (due to all hetero-white structures). Where do the heavens, the cosmos, alienness, a bed, an inter-dimensional ship, a womb, a carcass, a heart, anonymity, celestial maps, and phone calls collide with the realities of marginalization due to political borders and structures?